Sunday, May 31, 2009

Geoffrey will not listen, nothing new. ICP still high, they changed his vent to a little higher setting to reduce his CO2 levels. He's finally letting the vent do most of his breathing. Geoff's color looks good, he still looks like he's just sleeping away. No doctors this weekend, the PA's were on call and we never saw them come through. Questions tomorrow if/when I see them, when do we start trying to wake the boy. My guess is when his ICP stops rising and does not require so much medication. Grandma made cookie bars for the floor staff, he's gonna be everyone's favorite. Problem is, they may not let him leave!!!


  1. Bryan, thanks for the updates. My heart is breaking for you. I am saying prayers to Father Seelos for Geoffrey. We prayed to him for my brother's recovery when he had bone cancer. I'll send you a medal that you can pin on Geoffrey. I know you're not Catholic (and I'm not always a very good one), but I figure in times like these, we need all of the prayers and miracles we can get! We all love you and are thinking about y'all constantly.

    Lisa Werling

  2. Hang in there Bryan. All of your Mom's OA family are in your corner. Suzette Gramm
